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             Mission Celebration Schedule

Friday (May 17):
           7:00 PM Ministry & Ordination Service at First Light

Saturday (May 18):
           9:00 AM  Mission Celebration (District Assembly) 
           10:45 AM  Annual Reporting BEGINS:
                             Dr. Paul MacPherson, District Superintendent
                             Dr. Colleen Derr, President of Eastern                                           Nazarene College

           1:30 PM Combined Auxillary Convention Celebration
           3:30 PM Commissioning Service


   Livestream Links:




Striving to be a missional culture that supplies the doctrine, discipline, and spirit people need to grow in holiness of heart (loving God) and life (loving those whom God loves). It fosters a culture of holiness that equips Christians to join Jesus Christ and his mission for the world.



District Superintendent  


District Office



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